Nintendo Amiibo

(LONDON) por Paula Tooths Hi there! This week i wanted to look at the fantastic @NintendoUK Amiibo. These are a collection of figures that my son loves and he collects them all so he can involve them in his various Nintendo games which cross platforms from the Wii U to the 3DS. He keeps up to date on the official site for upcoming releases which he can add to either new games or his existing ones, his favourite has …

Newera TMNT Cap

(LONDON) por Paula Tooths Hey Guys Hope you had a great start to the week. Whilst out and about this weekend my little one spotted this cap and wouldn’t leave with out it, Its made by the folks @NewEraEurope and you can check the whole range via their online store As with the boys in our house hold, they absolutely have an obsession for caps and we have a lot, I’m forever picking them up so i wasn’t to …