DAY 15 – It is a scale day…

(LONDON) por Paula Tooths


Day 15


Hello, you! How was your day? How is going your evening?

Well, hot matches on the telly but today i coudn’t take the time to watch it…. Busy work day! and now i have a few home tasks but anyways, i love my life! i am so blessed to have my man with me and my little ones (including baby Theo),

Can you believe that today i was yet on the ”chocolate-teeth”? Was horrible really, i woke up dreaming with chocolate taste!

Blaming the busy tops of the day, the rest was very basic. I had a chocolate shake for my lunch and when i got home my beautiful man made me a sachet of pasta ala carbonara. It was delicious! I am so happy to have full support for everything in my journey.

Tonight I am going to have a dark choco bar, just to put down the stress of this day… But i kept my promise up and i didn’t stop my smile not even for a second!

Just a few minutes ago i jumped to the weight scales to keep a track on the diet. I dropped down just a pound this week, but as i said last few days, i didn’t have many expectations anyway and i take full responsibility on it as i didn’t got my liquids drink this past week. I will pretty much try to be a better dieter from now on, for myself, nobody else can do it but me.

I was reading on My ID site ( an article about plateau and I just saw myself and the frustration that it can be, losing not much weight on the week. It is frustrating, I know but just have one solution and it is called WATER!!!

At least I keep ‘yoging’ and meditating in daily basis what i would say that it is a compensation for me.

I will start from now on the measures track, which i completely forgot about. I will bring new sheets ideas in the next days 🙂

I have a very good motto that i use for work and life in general that is ”one day at a time”; but dieting and learning all the difficulties come with that, I just adapted it to ”one kilo at a time”, and it works well, mentally at least. I am not creating an apologize to my mistakes, but giving myself the chance to dont give up and carry on even stronger!

Well my lovely ones, i still on the hurry so today i will need to be short and sweet; but dont worry… tomorrow i will be here again!

Love, blessings and strength,

x x x Paula