(LONDON) por Paula Tooths
Day 12
Hello, hello!
I imagine every one of you is very good mood today… It’s the weekend and uhuuu! two big matches of the world cup second round! Even though neither of my teams (England and Italy) are on it anymore, i am still enjoying as many of you know how much i love this ”art”-sport.
I am sorry for yesterday, i was very upset as needed to ”dance” on the papers and find solutions without a telephone and internet drove me more than mad…. seriously, for a moment i thought i was going to lose the plot!
Anyway, today i determinate that nothing, but nothing else, never more will rob me of my smile. And was funny that this morning, when i sit in my desk to start my work… we realized that because of internet problems we had yesterday, we lost some files from the external drivers and server… but as we are geeks, we are sorting it out… and i can guarantee that not even cross all my day trying to and saving files didn’t take my smile and calm away. It’s funny how the brain works… i said to my brain ”i will be calm, i will keep smiling” and i managed to, even with few problems in hands and others i could see ahead.
Well, the most of you are here to know how is going my diet and not to check on my personal & professional problems and solutions (lol) so… lets talk about how the diet is going!
I had a massive black cafe this morning, not because i was tired, but because i like to feel energized.
So, i started my day running for 20 minutes and finish the exercise time with yoga positions to stretch and power plat for 10 minutes with low weights,
After, i went to the office. I was very happy when i got there and saw Vix bag full of VLCD items, that she also ordered by MY ID.
We took our time to have our lunch and make our positive words and thoughts. She made a delicious mocha shake (yes, everyone… I was served today by her that never take not even her cups from the table!) Well, i have worded it before here… it is a mix of one sachet of chocolate shake and one caffe latte. shake well with tons of ice, and there is a meal enough for two people. Of course you can do it just for one using half of each sachet…
Our afternoon was very cool saving lost files…. Anyway, was time to the second meal and young Vix wanted to show that she very much is paying attention on my posts and have learn the lesson… So, she again was serving me, but a different mix recipe! I’m very amazed today… So, we had a banana-strawberry milk sake. On the second meal, we couldn’t really stop the work, but i need to confess that i enjoyed lots my shake. The best is have a massive bottle of water around, so drink about 250-300ml of water before your shake and the same amount after the shake. It works my people!!! and is the best tip i can leave to you all!
So, I managed to make the most of the work tasks that was planned for today and bring home just a few bits and bobs to revise, edit, have a look, etc….
In a few minutes now i have a delicious and deserved bath and after that i will have a bar. Today I choose the nougat and almonds. I love this one!
As i forget to pack my pills in the morning, I’m sharing it since the time i back, so as soon as i got home i had my multivitamin pill (that’s just one a day), then 2 AQUA pills. as soon as i finish my shower i will have 2 AQUAs and i have the last 2 before go bed.
Hope you all enjoying your day and please, drop me a line to let me know if you are enjoying my diary!
See you tomorrow!
Love, Blessings and smiles;
x x x Paula