DAY 31 – My memory is in holidays!

(LONDON) por Paula Tooths


Day 31


“Your first duty is to make the body healthy. Without health, nothing can be achieved. Not only higher goals, but even worldly success is based on your health, your condition. Whatever you want to do, spiritual, social, national, you have to do it with your body. Your thoughts are manifested only through your body. You can fulfil desires only through your body.”

Swami Satchidananda

Hello, hello!!!


How are you today?

I had a very busy day! Woke up early, drop my baby boy to nursery, them parents meeting, fitness session and worked as crazy today; but overall I would say I had a happy productive day!

Well, dietwise….

Start my day with a black tea and having tea mugs since… I calculate I had at least ten!

I had a shake early morning and a protein after exercise.

Lunch time I had a chilli spaghetti (yes…. I picked a correct sachet today!!!)

Now, the funny part….

I don’t know what time I had a maple bar but I imagine I had at some point as it is not in my bag anymore….

So, supposing I had the milk truffado bar and I forgot about, I just had a bar again…. But never mind, today I totally deserved!

Well, I’m writing as my bath is running so it’s filled what means that is my bath time!

With you all a great Friday!

Love, blessings and a good memory!

X x Paula