(LONDON) por Paula Tooths
Day 3
Hi there!
How are you today?
3 days gone. 3 days less to my goal!
A few days back, a manufacturer of VLCD products contacted me in order to know if i would like to be part of a group, where i should try and report my opinion about few products to a new range. So, as i love to be helpful and always share my thoughts, i accepted. I can not open the name of the company but i am authorized to talk and write about the products.
Basically, i received a box with a few samples of desserts. Very easy to make, you just mix 150ml of cold water and set on the fridge for 10 minutes. I received a variety of flavours and today I’m having the caramel one just after finish the world cup match England v Uruguay (what is a quite tense at this moment, particularly after Suarez goal, making it worst for England squad). Anyway, I’m not here to talk about football, so i will drop my opinion as i’m having this desert that will be probably on the ending of this post.
I went bed was very late last night and woke up early…. it is becoming a habit 🙁 I have a massive mug of black coffee. I probably drunk the whole pint my old french coffee maker holds. with my house on the rush I was lucky enough to pack my shop-bag last night with the things i knew i will need today… So i filled my bag with still water, a flask with hot water, a few tea bags, a banana shake and my aqua pills. Today i put also i few sachets of instant black coffee (what you can buy in any supermarket or even in the poundlands around).
Teas and coffees all day. I didn’t really count, but i imagine in between my beverages, i had at least 2 litres of liquids, plus till i back to home on the end of the afternoon, i had almost finished my 2 litres water bottle.
I had a banana shake today for my lunch. It isn’t my favorite but what i like about it is the feeling that the banana flavour gives. It is very filing!
I finally managed to come home a bit earlier today so i could tidy a bit, play with my boy and organize some personal documents. So, when my boys went out to have some bigM, i enjoy to prepare my diner. Today I had Pasta ala Carbonara. It was lovely! People always ask me how i prepare it, so let me report it here:
1. In a bow, i place the content of the sachet and add about 3/4 of a mug of boiling water.
2. I put in the microwave in the max potency for 1 minute
3. I take off from the microwaves, check with still water there (if not i drop just a bit) and stir well again
4. i back the bowl to the microwaves and fit for one more minute
5. I leave on the side for 4-5 minutes & enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!!!
After that, i just carry on with a bit of work here and there, solve some bits and bobs.
And now, here I am, writing my day to you, watching this match (what is making look like England will be back sooner than we were expecting) and eating this sample that one manufacturer from abroad kindly send me. But lets to the facts:
Well…. today the plan was to have a Forest Berry shake now for the 3rd meal, but as i received this gift, i decided to try instead. It’s a caramel desert but the appearance is like a custard with a bit more of body. Dark in color. So i took from the fridge but the texture didn’t change much. The impression is that it created a sort of jelly covering the top. Taste-wise it’s so sweet to me. I’m not sure if it taste so much ”normal” caramel but, at least to me tastes more like when i was a kid, trying to make a caramel in the pan. As i didn’t have experience i always end up burning it…. that’s what the taste of this ”dessert” remembers me. I have other flavors that i will be trying during my diet and i also will report here to you.
The interesting fact about this sachets, is as the shakes, meals and bars, they are total meal replacement as well, different from the ones we find on the UK market at the moment, which are High Protein but are not Total meal replacement. Let’s see how the ”next” flavors are.
Today I saw that ID (site where i got my VLCD products from) set new offers on the front page and they set a promotion on Twitter that they will make a special coupon to who makes a diary like i do, offering discounts to our readers. I contacted then and within an hour i received the form. I couldn’t make it earlier (sorry….). I will fill up it now and send straight back so fingers crossed that tomorrow we will have already here a code specially made for us!!!
If you are a dieter like me, share with me your experience! Or if you just like the subject or would love to express your thoughts, drop me a line! <3
Well guys and boys, as I love football i couldn’t finish this post without say that my heart is broken…. it isn’t post Morten yet, but not many chances to the old England. Let’s see….
A good evening to you and catch you tomorrow!
x x