Diet – FREE Body Simulator
(LONDON) por Paula Tooths
(LONDON) por Paula Tooths
(LONDON) por Paula Tooths Summer is almost here. So many of you have contacted me lately asking for tips about workouts and diet plans. I have researched lots and figured out that it is more than possible to change your whole body in a few weeks. To prove that it all is not good on theory only, I was the guinea pig here. With the help of a personal trainer, who kindly personalised my diet plan, it …
(LONDON) por Paula Tooths Hy ya everyone, hope you all are having a great evening! As I promised, here I am with the diet’s progress. I will be short and sweet today as Daniel, my personal trainer, knackered me out today. What I ate – Breakfast Smoothie: Blend 1 cup frozen berries, 1/2 banana, and 8 ounces fat-free milk. 1/2 English muffin spread with 1 teaspoon light margarine Lunch 1 cup vegetarian vegetable soup …
(LONDON) por Paula Tooths Day 45 Hello, you! How are you doing today? My day was exceptionally happy. My little boy is in summer holidays, what means i am trying to spend more time with him and less time with work. Of course not always this ”little rule” can happen, but i try my best! I woke up early as usual and have my heavy weight session with my very special personal. It was amazing really, I am …
(LONDON) por Paula Tooths Hope you all enjoy the Bloom! Soon we will post healthy positive words to you 🙂 Made with by Paula Tooths Team