(LONDON) por Paula Tooths


Day 30


Hi there dears,


How are you today?


It is the middle of the week already! Time is going so fast!


I don’t believe it is already 30 days I am back to VLCD plan and I am close, very close to my main goal that is 70 pounds dropped… uhuuuuuuuu!!!


As I said, today i am back to my fitness activities, so I have been running this morning! I must confess that my ”old” knees are giving me a bit of awareness that i didn’t want to feel. But it is life… If we want to active something, need to work hard!


So I woke up early, I didn’t want to really leave my bed today… but the physical obligations were calling me!


So I had a black Italian coffee, and had a vlcd bar. Today I choose an dark truffado (I love dark choco!)


After 5 miles (breathless and sweating….) I had a diet shake from my ID. Yes, it arrived just on time! I made it with water from the fridge and lots of ice. The whey protein that it has helps the recovery.


Went to work and must to say that today was crazier than any other day, i just managed to have my lunch when i was going to home and it was almost 5pm!


I had a massive plate just with lettuce and a sachet of pasta carbonara. It was funny…. I thought I took spaghetti bolognese but as a mistake i took carbonara…. so white pasta it was!


Now, i just took a break from work to write this post, but as soon as i finish i will set the kettle one and make myself a sachet of chicken soup…. i know that is very hot here in the UK today, but i really fancying a soup!


After that, nite nite time to me as i must wake up extra early tomorrow as i have parents meting in my baby boy’s school, after my exercises…


So dears, wish you an amazing evening and see you all tomorrow again!


Love, blessings & health


x x x Paula