(LONDON) por Paula Tooths
Day 29
Hello everyone!
It is a happy day to me, it is the day one, week one of the phase II. This phase will consists in 4 weeks and my goal here is to drop down my last 5 kilos to reach my ”normal” weight as it used to be for the last 20 years or so. To who is new, even after the pregnancy, i kept my weight but it was when i quit smoking when things changed.
I had a long talk with my self and I decided to keep vlcd as normal and because I’m backing to the weights, I will need to add on protein each day, what probably will be a can of tuna or a low calorie shake, focused in fitness. I always been an active person and now i feel confident enough to back to the weights and running and all the etceteras that comes with it.
Finally, I received my batteries today so I could see how lighter I am 🙂
Anyway, lets reveal the numbers…. last week, i had a big total of 62 pounds lost and this week I am proud to add 4 pounds to this number. I don’t feel guilty, angry or hungry either, but happy. a pound at time, and one plus one i will reach my goal slowly….. So, I lost already 66 pounds and how close i am to my big dream… be back to a Paula’s body!!!
I know that this ”last pounds” is the harder bit, but i will be strong and i will get it before i realize it!
Just as I’m writing, I’m ordering ID ONE that is a complex diet protein, designed to who exercises. Today I choose chocolate flavor. As i mentioned, I will back to my fitness routine and i will add it to my routine. Maybe I will swap the order of the products i take usually as well, taking the bar before the physical exercise…. let’s see, one day at time!
Today, I woke up, went to work without my coffee just because i was late; but since i got my desk i had about 8 mugs of tea. It was about 2/ 2.30-ish when I had a pasta carbonara and 6ish when I had a caffe latte sachet full of ice, it was delicious to fresh up the hot day!
It’s 9:30pm and i got home a few minutes back. I just having a lemon yogo bar.
I must back to work as still a few pendences to sort but i expect to go bad any soon as i am very tired!
Ah…. Before I forgot, let me share something with you….. Who knows me well, knows that i love my long hair and it is very hard to make me cut it. Since i started to take the advanced multivitamins from My ID (theidrevolution.com) my hair and nails grown so much that i will need to cut (yes…. both!). I didn’t realize really as my hair is always up but when i was with a friend today, she said…. ”what did you do to your hair grown to the hips? Other day was just in the middle of your back?” I thought thought and if no doubt i can attribute to those pills. Very happy… long and strong hair. After the comments i was feeling as barbie doll really 🙂
Well everyone, wish you a great evening and see you all tomorrow!
Love, blessings & strengh
xx Paula