(LONDON) por Paula Tooths


Day 22



How are you all? Did you have a good day?

Today I needed to rush so much to be able to finish my work earlier and get home on time to the match. This was part one of my day…. But in between work and home, I received a call from a client, what means that i will need to watch the match with one eye only and the other one, right to my screen. Never mind… I love it!

This morning, i was in a hurry, so no time at all to have a fresh black Italian coffee, so i picked a black tea on my way to work. I had about 10 mugs of tea already and 2 coffees. Today i forgot my big bottle of water, but i had a little one on my table. Anyway, i had already my target today and I still drinking.

My lunch was very basic. A shepherd pie that i end up eating cold because i needed to jump into a international conference-call what i wasn’t expecting that minute.

As soon as i got home, I had a hazelnut shake. It was nice to invert the order of the sachets. I like the variety, but sometimes I’m bored of routine, what’s very understandable.

Today I will have one of that sachets that the manufacturer send me to try…. about 2 weeks ago they sent it, and i wrote about here on my diary (do you remember?)… but after i completely forgot about. So tonight I will have coconut dessert and tomorrow i let you know my opinion of it.

Apart from it all, I’m taking the 6 pills of AQUA and I’m feeling much much better… a bit of retention just as it is my nature, but lots better than a few days ago when i thought i couldn’t move anymore.

Well ladies and gents, very short today but i really need back to work.

Wish you all an amazing evening and a world cup semi final match of heart beats.

x x Paula