(LONDON) por Paula Tooths
Hello, Hello, Everyone!
Apologies, I have been a little quiet recently however I have been very busy organizing things so as to be sure that next year we will be able to not only cope with the demand but attend a larger number of people and help everybody become more fulfilled and happy!
Thank you very much to each and every one of you for making my year! You guys definitely made my 2013 amazing! And to compensate you all, my team and I are preparing fantastic surprises for 2014 to improve more people’s lives!!! I can’t wait to tell you all!
It’s the end of the 2013, so its the perfect time to take stock and review your year, all the highs, all the lows, all the smiles and all the tears, all the challenges you’ve faced and all the breakthroughs you have made. So, I advise you to make an appointment with yourself, grab a drink and take an hour or so to complete this Reviewing 2013 – auto-coaching by Paula Tooths I prepared to you with love. This could be the most valuable time you spend with yourself this year. Just click below and give it a chance!
In the meantime why not treat yourself to a copy of my book. “Eunoia! My Mantra Today” it is a re-programming journey & my new tittle ‘Mandala Life Coach’ is a collection of divination, naturopathy, aromatherapy, flower medicine and its history. Find on the link below for more information and then click to purchase them.
Note: The set of cards for ‘Mandala Life Coach’ book and the Japamala (a type of prayer bracelet appears on the hard cover) and are also available for order. To more information, please contact us on vic@paulatooths.com.
Have a blessed festive time and I’ll see you all next year!